The movie we have been waiting almost a year to see: The Half Blood Prince is finally in theaters, and I got to see it the first day.
Warning: Spoilers lay ahead! Lately, I have come to the theater not expecting much from the Harry Potter movies. The last couple of films have left me feeling empty as I sat in the theater. Not Half-Blood Prince. Sure, there were moments I wish I could change, things I would take away, but overall, in the grand scheme of things, I would say Half-Blood Prince is my second-favorite of the films, despite the few mistakes it makes.
The beginning of the film opens up with a stunning scene in London, where the Death Eaters destroy the Millenium Bridge, tearing it apart, and then leading into Diagon Alley before you realize what just happened. The effects used are brilliant and nothing like you have seen in previous Potter films.
Next, you find yourself with Harry in a Muggle establishment... reading the Daily Prophet. Now, this is something I had a problem with. I don't mind the fact that they toss away the Dursleys' from the beginning of the movie, but I just don't think Harry would risk reading the Prophet while around Muggles. Anyway, he meets the waitress in the store, and there is a small humorfull moment as Harry stops to check his breath. Daniel his comic gold in this movie! Next thing he knows, however, he is being wisked away from the cute woman in the apron by Dumbledore. Luckily for Ginny, later on ;)
Note: I am no way a supporter of the Harry/Ginny relationship, but that is a topic for another post. Now, back to the review.
Dumbledore leads Harry to Slughorn's, who is played by the wonderful Jim Broadbent. The scene plays pretty much just like the book, dragon blood and knitting patterns in all. Then, Harry arrives at the Burrow, with a bit of humor thrown in for good measure with the Weaselys (and some Harry/Ginny subtext, if you squint). The trio are back together again, and they head off to Diagon Alley, where we get some more plot. The three of them are chasing after none other than... Draco! Although, this time they aren't wearing the cloak. Budget constrains, perhaps? I would have also liked to see Hermione do her scene from the book - it was rather funny, and it would have translated well on screen, but you can't have everything... This is also the scene where we meet Fenir Greyback, as there are posters of him on the walls of the alley, and he is in Borgin and Burkes with Malfoy, but we are never really told
who he is. Funny, you would think the werewolf that bit Lupin would be worth mentioning. Ah well...
Next, the trio find themselves on the train to school, and we get the scene from the book where Malfoy breaks Harry's nose, and leaves him to rot on the train, invisble and alone. It was funny in the theater when I watched it, 'cause when Malfoy stepped on Harry's nose, nearly everyone gasped. But then Luna comes in to save the day - finding Harry with her Wackspurt glasses (correct me if I'm wrong on this, it's been a bit since I saw the movie).
The rest of the movie is filled with Dumbledore showing Harry the memories, teenage hormone angst (Lavender/Ron/Hermione angst w/ some good Harry/Hermione scenes thrown in as comfort, and Harry/Ginny) and Harry trying to find out what Malfoy is up to. There are some really funny moments in the film, more than usual. The best moment in the film, though, is Harry cracked up on Felix Felicis! Made the whole movie just... so much more memorable. Also, the Harry/Malfoy fight in the bathroom was every bit as good as I thought it would be. At first, I was scared that they were going to cut the Sectumsuptra scene, but they
left it in! It was perfect, even if it was tainted by the Harry/Ginny scene that came afterwards.
And before we know it, we reach the climax of the film: Harry and Dumbledore going to the cave. The scene was brilliant, with Harry having to give Dumbledore the potion, and then the slight scare with the Inferi, and Harry is dragged into the lake with them. Is Harry going to die? *gasps* Oh no! *cues dramatic music* Wait.... here comes Dumbledore! With a big ring of fire! *audience members clap and cheer* Everything about it was awesome, but I do wish Dumbledore had said his line from the book, "I'm not worried, Harry, I'm with you." BEST line from that book.
Finally, we arrive at the dramatic scene: Dumbledore and Harry at the Astronomy Tower. Every single moment is perfect, and I wouldn't change a thing. I'll have to see it again to give a better review of this scene, as I have only seen the film once, but I know I LOVE it.
Okay, now onto the
Top 5 Favorite moments from the film:
1. Harry cracked up on Felix Felicis - brilliant
2. Cave scene - Awesome, awesome, awesome
3. Katie Bell possesed by the necklace - Scary enough to rate the film PG-13
4. Harry/Hermione comfort scene
5. Harry getting the Half-Blood Prince book, montage that follows
Things I Wanted To Change and/or Add1. More Lupin & Snape - Two of my favorite characters, why weren't they in this more?
2. Less Harry/Ginny scenes, more Harry/Hermione comfort scenes please
3. Explain to us WHO Greyback is and that there is a NEW Minister, please. People will be confused come Deathly Hallows.
4. The Gaunt memory. I would have loved to see this memory translated on screen, it was awesome in the book.
5. What happened to the funeral scene & Hagrid? Although I do love the tribute they have at the end - so touching.
Link of the Day:
MuggleCast - Your #1 Harry Potter Podcast!